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Advertisements, v.2

Our darling Camilla is very excited about going to the cinema over here because she gets to watch advertisments. Apparently, British ones are much better than the Norwegian kind. I obviously can't compare because I neither speak nor understand that happy language.

However, I can compare with the lovely advertisements from my faraway land.


Here's my favourite New Zealand advertisment: For our national carrier, Air New Zealand.

Perfection. A universal story told without words. And the glare at the end is gorgeous.

And here's what's possibly the best British ad at the moment: Fizzy, ginger, phenomenal.

Very funny, and a lovely mockery of High School Musical. But probably lost on a a large proportion of the population.

My little colonial outpost is better at this than the homeland.

However, I'd rather live in Scotland than New Zealand. ;)

That is all.


Version 1

Rebekah, 27.09.10 22:27

Version 2

Rebekah, 27.09.10 22:28