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ATI Mobility Radeon 9700, Maya 6.5 and Catalyst 4.12 / 5.2

For once something almost entirely technical and completely written in English here, just in case someone on the net somewhere has a similar problem.

I installed the Omegadriver ATI Catalyst 5.2 drivers, and suddenly found that Maya Unlimited 6.5 was saying it couldn't save in my Local Settings/Temp folder and crashing whenever I tried to start it. Getting the Catalyst 4.12 OmegaDriver solved the problem.

You never know, someone else might have the same problem somewhere.

Apart from that, everything is fine, I am enjoying lecture recess but still getting some work done (!). Today we'll hopefully make some headway with our photography assignment, which asks us to replicate a more or less famous classical still life paiting - among other things. It would also be nice to get some work done on the CMS system Anders and I have been contemplating. Of course doing some animation as well as game design too would be even better. And maybe round it all off with some Battlefield.

Oh, how the optimism flows when the day is still young!


Eivind,  07.04.05 13:41

This post has been removed by the author.

Eivind,  07.04.05 14:23

Øynene mine brenner etter å ha lest denne posten!!

Ikke all onani i hele verden kan gjøre denne dagen god igjen..

Tor,  07.04.05 14:52

I respons på den første kommentaren din, som du har slettet, din hund:

Da er det jammen bra du ikke har Admin.

Are,  08.04.05 00:58

Eivind, jeg ler meg ihjel :D Hvilken del reagerte du på?